I posted this in another subforum but maybe it would be better here.
I've been trying to figure this out for a few weeks, and it makes absolutely no sense. As far as I can tell, infinitecoin-qt can't do pool mining, but maybe it can. If it can, can someone please explain it? Forgive my profanity in this post, I am not lashing out, but expressing my frustration and thought process.
I started looking at treasurequarry. Basically what I've seen is instructions to use cpuminer. I am completely baffled. This is what I read:
For example with pooler's cpu miner (source code available from https://github.com/pooler/cpuminer), use:
minerd -o http://treasurequarry.com:9844 -u YOURINFINITECOINADDRESSHERE -p x
This is my response: "What do you mean use this? Use it WHERE? Type it into a command prompt? That does NOTHING! There is no minerd! What the fuck is minerd?!"
So I read the instructions for Windows on the cpuminer page:
Basic Windows build instructions, using MinGW:
Install MinGW and the MSYS Developer Tool Kit (http://www.mingw.org/)
Okay.. done.. I think.. ?
* Make sure you have mstcpip.h in MinGW\include
If using MinGW-w64, install pthreads-w64
Aaaand.. what?
Install libcurl devel (http://curl.haxx.se/download.html)
* Make sure you have libcurl.m4 in MinGW\share\aclocal
* Make sure you have curl-config in MinGW\bin
Okay.. I downloaded the files.. how the fuck do I install them?
In the MSYS shell, run:
./autogen.sh # only needed if building from git repo
LIBCURL="-lcurldll" ./configure CFLAGS="-O3"
What the.. what the fucking fuck! God damnit! What the fuck are you talking about?
This is my thought process as I'm reading through pretty much every tutorial to do any kind of mining whether CPU, GPU, scrypt or.. whatever the fuck is the opposite of scrypt. I do not understand this at all. Can someone please make a goddamn walkthrough that actually makes sense to explain the very basics? This shit is a bunch of alien language or something. I'm not a programmer; you tell me to "use" this crazy line of code, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Oh and holy shit, everything requires some username and password, where to fuck do I get a username and password!? Coinex doesn't give one! I have no idea! Wtf!
Once again, forgive my profanity - I'm not usually one to use it but I've never met such insane frustration before. I'm just trying to relay to you guys the kind of desperation I'm feeling right now because I am so completely lost, and I don't normally feel that way when dealing with advanced computer stuff.