Come and play on : !
I am happy to introduce Infinite Dice to the IFC community. This is the official thread for Infinite Dice.
During a first time, this thread will be updated everyday with secrets hashes. We will fully implement it in the website in the next release.
The game is running a stable version.
Your reports and feedbacks are really very important for me !Known bugs :-
[FIXED] Sending coins to 2 games address with the same transaction won't send you coins back to your address regardless if it's a win or a loss. Send only one bet to one address per transaction.-
[FIXED]Do not send whole wallet amount.Today's secret sha256 hash is :
24.08.13 : 1b963ec4cf8a7164fd74371b7f79b9011bb965d9a7f5a3b8b1b0e58153ae47e5
Features :Expected return 98%
Waits for 1 confirmation (~30s).
Provably fair. (You can check yesterday's games. I change the secret and release the old one everyday. I will explain how to manually check for your lucky number.)
Send 1 IFC back if lose.
Keeps 1 IFC from any win to cover fees.
Min bet is 100 IFC !
WIN more than 50,000,000 IFC if you play the maximum bet amount !
http://www.infinitedice.net100 last bets displayed.
Bets in bets list are clickable. There are the bet details, payment tx and such.
I know it lacks a "Chance to win" column, in the website's game list. That's why I post it right there.
Under 62259 => 95% / x1.032 => iPWHXfbvgZtsZj3WgAB84CdsvtN6fV8RRS / 48,500,000
Under 58982 => 90% / x1.089 => iHgCJiDBGmU3wQKNz4Tf9ay16nTdT4dqJi / 46,000,000
Under 55705 => 85% / x1.153 => i3boYQ9i1dauCPCTL8maTLefvVGCZmg3MZ / 43,500,000
Under 52428 => 80% / x1.225 => iAmWG6fMLmF22HrX9w5EzvvJAPhvmov4Ch / 41,000,000
Under 49152 => 75% / x1.307 => iReWccumqi3FgEKEcZMpw4a2aejXfHV2MB / 39,000,000
Under 43254 => 66% / x1.485 => iGq5UYQVLqS4NPuh5DzjNkYJwAAP5L9Xak / 34,000,000
Under 32768 => 50% / x1.96 => i4Eqe7eoHKs5K44FsyUVT6Wh1MkJ4SJPeD / 26,000,000
Under 26214 => 40% / x2.45 => i6zGysWbYFHUL1tTJyTtbnohzdG5bnj53y / 20,500,000
Under 21627 => 33% / x2.97 => i8JL6C7hTwY1HNDJRFqTa2n5KkBiZTAwcD / 17,000,000
Under 16384 => 25% / x3.92 => iPFgphhipbRCzw4MWxSSscx6UQm3ogceB5 / 13,000,000
Under 13107 => 20% / x4.9 => iEEmiV3yJQiz3U2GGafrn1nx8iHtUhVj1R / 10,500,000
Under 9831 => 15% / x6.533 => iFfomU1bMczgjXaLyqTftF2V3UcsoaMGq1 / 8,000,000
Under 6554 => 10% / x9.799 => iK3G17MBqjd9V36hmXxnWp7CD4gALGbHCk / 5,500,000
Under 4500 => 6.8% / x14.272 => iKDdfhaqxNWDcrcTbcQw9tM9o6v8PEmogP / 3,600,000
Under 3277 => 5% / x19.599 => iRZvy97XoZBusrLVa2Zy7C6qxqdrA3BdLM / 2,600,000
Under 1500 => 2.28% / x42.816 => iAss9eJTB7iwnNSREq3s2JSvG7A6dsCF6V / 1,200,000
Under 656 => 1% / x97.903 => i8pm26wWpQXw7vVhiFeUkZ7FzL3WYit22i / 550,000
Under 328 => 0.5% / x195.8 => i5bWhwFkJY3KEyoD6asmbbvZJyY1PuQuGy / 260,000
Under 66 => 0.1% / x973.095 => i9Cj6m1h8KvHYfr8oG3Db5QVZL27jMbEEd / 55,000
Under 33 => 0.05% / x1946.19 => i3nwfk7CGdRJ15XhbhTMmFJQMeYCNpL3f6 / 27,000
Under 16 => 0.024% / x4014.02 => i7hfL2NSJ7JdSwQM1Q3J989jAj2m9nD9KU / 12,500
Under 7 => 0.01% / x9147.9 => iBSBTmQSz9FQcjn2UGPG5GVGsJXg9dcc5d / 5,500
Under 4 => 0.0061% / x16056.1 => iQwVc9CsK63rNpHxUwYSt6qpf5hA96XrAJ / 3,200
Under 2 => 0.0031% / x32112.2 => iS42BWoa7PKgYcpM4evrLmeviQ7hXWXa66 / 1,600
Under 1 => 0.0015% / x64224.3 => iFrW6rKjUXj9hKrdtH1zrAUsTb7H8WhFAd / 800
Every feedback and report are more than welcome !

Have fun on !