OK, here's my take:
First of all, I'm
really glad they are going to make a clean break. I love it when shows go "out on top" and don't wither on the vine. It is just sad when that happens. Feels like you wasted the time on the last season. Problem with this is, you are left wanting. Think Rome or Deadwood. Anyway, I'm glad they are going to end it. I will miss it, no doubt, but I 'm really glad it is ending on top (I hope).
All hell breaks loose, and he needs to disappear. The irony of him ending up alone, in witness protection, teaching chemistry in some backwater high school without the people he was trying to protect from day one, his family, is so frustratingly sweet .
There will be a ever increasing rise in action in tension in the shows as we get closer to the finale.
Eventually, in the last episode, Walt is put in to a position by a rival and has to take Hank's deal to testify against many meth kingpins. It will mean a lot of death, destruction and the end of the blue-meth business as a whole. Heisenberg is done.
For whatever reasons, Skyler will not go with Walt in to the witness protection program. She will also keep the kids. Walt disappears into witness protection... and you think it is done. Tied up nicely with a pretty little blue bow.
Final scenes of the series have no spoken words, just a really cool acoustic music playing over a scene. I'm thinking something like this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8Rs3zhbMesWe see Skyler's back. She watching over a new large lab with people working on a big operation. Multiple batches. She is the new Heisenberg. She knows business... and this time, she will do it well.
The series closes with a back view of Mr. White (with hair). You can't really see what he is doing. Looks like he may be talking. He seems to be doing something he has done thousands of times before. He is not in to it, but is just following through on a pre-set script... the camera pulls back and goes into focus. You see he is standing in front of a black-topped chemistry table. Old, rusted, and dirty equipment is around him on the desk. You think, "Really, can he be doing this again? Another meth enterprise?"
We pull back further and you see the recognizable image of kids, sitting in an under-funded chemistry 101 class, not paying attention. He's a chemistry teacher... again.
...fade to black.
Fade in this music as the credits roll.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nDeivO0GgIAaaaaand, scene.