Currently I am running an Single XFX 7970 DD with an Gigabyte rom, here below you can
see whats the best settings for me:
Miner: CGMiner
Command .bat: cgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u xxx -p xxx --shaders 2048 --intensity 13 --thread-concurrency 8192 --worksize 256 -g 2 --temp-target 72 --temp-overheat 85 --temp-cutoff 80 --gpu-engine 1085 --gpu-memclock 1500 --lookup-gap 2 --gpu-vddc 1.256
With these setting I have currently 0 HW errors
Graphics card: XFX 7970 DD
Gigabyte ROM:
IDLE Temp: 33 Celsius
Full Load: 70-72 Celsius
Khash: 750-770
Also did I not max out the graphics card, so I think i can even do more kHash to 800...
Also did I added as attachment the .bat, only thing you need to do is set your desired pool and username and password.
[attachment deleted by admin]