sure, here is a copy of my peers.dat file, but this is WAY WAY less than half.
The file is pretty big.
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some of the data is being translated on this page for some reason.
The REAL file looks much worse.
yes, this is what the data file looks like, when opened with wordpad or notepad in windows.
people keep saying add this and that to the file.
well, try reading ANYTHING from this file.
as far as I know, (and I don't know jack shit, apparently) The program itself builds this file, itself.... therefore it can't be added to in this condition.
this file was generated by deleting everything in the directory, except the wallet file, I then moved the wallet.dat file to another directory, had to let it load everything from scratch on 1.8, and then put back the wallet file and let it sync up. It took 3 trys, but it finally sync'd up.
the above is what is generated for the peers.dat file. mine is 784k big, according to windows 7 ultimate, and I only posted a very small portion of that. The site won't let me post the entire file contents as it is too big to post. It's about 100 times bigger than what is posted.
all of that for 24 peer names and locations? Try finding just one name in that mess.
I can't even figure out why it has to be 784k big.
the text only comes to about 1k (2k at most...if you did a shit load of spacing.)
(hint...cut and paste the above readable text of peers.dat to a txt file and see just how big it is) don't have to believe me.
pretty bad if you ask me, but, then, what do I know. I just cut and pasted the text of the file it gives me.
try adding anything to this, and make it useable.....I dare you.
(cheesy)....does THAT help any?
(probably not, sorry)
and watch out, there are hundreds of users of this site waiting to give you an answer, so you may be flooded with file data.