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Author Topic: About Linux wallet  (Read 63 times)

Offline Saam

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About Linux wallet
« on: September 14, 2013, 06:42:02 AM »

Today i have played with randon Linux distribition in order to build ifc wallet, include cross-compilling x64-x32(Ubuntu32, Ubuntu64, OpenSuse32&64)
It was succesfull, but compilled wallets did not want to run on machines other than those  they were building on.
I also download some Linux qt wallets of another coins - they are not working, too
So it does not make any sense to distribute only daemon, which works properly on any machines

Basically IFC qt wallet easily assembled according to the instructions in readme-qt.rst,
exept libboost&libdb versions (you need 1.48 or higher in boost&5.1 in BerklyDB)

Also you have to do 1 deletion in infinitecoin-qt.pro file at line 351, before building.
351   LIBS += -lssl -lcrypto -ldb_cxx$$BDB_LIB_SUFFIX -loleaut32
Delete:  -loleaut32